The ride report continues!
I was getting pretty tired of being rained on. A week in St Louis allowed the weather to blow over, and me to spend some time with the missus, which for the most part meant taking care of her while she was sick. Good timing.
She's all better now and today was a gorgeous day to be on the road!
During the week I did a bunch of work on the bikes, and now not only does my normal bike have bags, but it also has a centerstand. That'll make those field lubings more convenient!
Down in southern Missouri, there's a lot of what I can only assume is tornado damage from months/years past. Even the lightpost outside was off-kilter.
After crossing the Mississippi river I was about 30 miles from my campsite, so I found a trail and rode down to the riverbank. Two unplanned water crossings, but I got what I came for.
Which reminds me, I need to get some ADV stickers on these bags! :D
Even after dinner I still had a bunch of daylight left, but tomorrow is a short ride to Nashville, so there's no rush to put on miles tonight. Instead, I broke out the camping stove and had a cuppa.
The flora in Reelfoot State Park is pretty crazy. I'd never seen anything like this before.
And the sunset was awfully pretty.
Done for the night, on my way back to my tent I was accosted by this little guy.
It's nice to be back on the road, and even nicer to be on a bike with proper suspension and brakes. I'm really looking forward to the next couple of days.