Last night, Dezmo's cat took an interest in my stuff. To a kitten, everything is a toy!

Today Dezmo had the day off, so he took me out and we put on some good miles.

Not many pictures from the ride though, we were too busy having a blast in the hills. We did spot this face off at a gas stop.

Unfortunately there was no fight to the death. Instead, they were competing to see who could put up the most advertisements for their company. Boo.

We had to cut the riding short, because the actual map for today looks like this.

The folks at MR were kind enough to let me stow the bike there while I'm gone, and I asked—if they have some free time—if they could put on some new tires and oil because we don't want a repeat of Colorado. Everyone wins!

While at the airport, I whipped out my Holga Hipstamatic and got this shot of my most adorable little plane. Actually I don't know why I took this picture other than it caught my eye.

That's it for today. I probably won't have anything interesting tomorrow, but on Saturday the ride continues!

This post is part of the series Cross Country Trip.