It's easy to tell what a business does as you're walking around Chon Buri because every shop expands to fill all available space, including the sidewalk.
This place machined and rebuilt heads.
It's easy to tell what a business does as you're walking around Chon Buri because every shop expands to fill all available space, including the sidewalk.
This place machined and rebuilt heads.
Another short set of photos, this time of the clinic trip to their beach house, which was bookended by the Thepsathit Phra Kiti Chalerm Chinese Shrine and visiting the monkeys that live on the mountain near the house.
The shrine was a lot showier than most of the places we visited in Thailand. Here's a view of the main building and central fountain from the entrance.
Finding a free 24 hours, I went to Pattaya to visit an old family friend who emigrated there from Canada 15 years ago. He certainly picked a nice part of the world to settle.
We stayed at the Chon Inter Hotel in Chonburi, and it was one of the tallest buildings in the area, so it wasn't long until I found roof access.
I've been backposting stuff originally posted on tumblr, SVrider1, and ADVrider2 onto my blog here. To make the older posts more accessible, I decided the blog needs a lazyloader.
I'd recently read a post by Alexander Micek on infinite scrolling, and I appreciated his aversion to hashbangs and poor user experience. After a day of adapting his code to this blog's purposes, I'd managed to make it very generic.
If you're interested in adding infinite scrolling to your own site, you're welcome to use it as inspiration or implementation. I've added a whole bunch of documentation and put it on gist.
edited on friday january 13th, 2012 at 16:06 (CST):
Before we get into today's Clinic-run outing to Pattaya, special credit needs to be given to our guide:
She taught us that the Thai equivalent of "herding cats" is "gathering crabs". Such was her day with our group.
Today we were discharged from the hospital after an uneventful recovery. The best kind of hospital stay. Let's go through the events of the last week.
I wasn't expecting much of a view from our hospital room, and came ready to write off the next week. If this was all I saw on my birthday, I wasn't going to be disappointed.
How silly. The views from up here are magnificent.