La and Jeff run Action Dog! in the East Bay. I'm not sure I've ever seen anyone love their job this much.
Since we were in the area, we had our anniversary at Pillar Point last year. As usual, it was lovely.
But you know that one guy who's always inviting himself to your parties and trying to eat your bread, wine, and cheese? Yeah, this guy.
But overall we managed to have an enjoyable, low-key day.
A few months late, here's to five years down, many more to go.
From our last day, Beth and the lady who ran the vegetarian food shop near our hotel in Chon Buri. Our only regret was not finding it sooner.
mai pen rai.
From earlier posts, some of you may have noticed that Thai infrastructure appears to operate on the principle of "organised chaos", especially the utility poles.
As I mentioned in my previous post, shops in Thailand tend to spread out into the sidewalk. One of our favourite food stops had most of its seating on the sidewalk. This welding shop didn't have space inside to set up its jigs, so the final assembly work was all done on the sidewalk. Watch your eyes!
This phenomenon wasn't limited to manufacturing, though. Any kind of work can get done wherever there's space to do it. Here's two motodups having a chat while one of them finishes patching a flat.