
In November 2011, I spent a month in Thailand with Beth. These posts document some of our experiences.

I wasn't expecting much of a view from our hospital room, and came ready to write off the next week. If this was all I saw on my birthday, I wasn't going to be disappointed.

How silly. The views from up here are magnificent.

From the room alone, we get a wide city view and a decent view of the sea.

Outside the room, climate is mostly controlled by leaving enormous windows open. Coupled with being on the 9th floor, you can get some really good perspectives from the common areas.

The wiring in this city is intense, the poles carry dozens of wires with rat's nests at every corner. The hospital is a very posh place, so its building wiring is more organized, but there's still an astonishing amount of copper in use here.

I warned you earlier that I'm not a landscape photographer, but here's a view of the city lights.

There are so many different temperatures happening all at once, with the street lit by all manner of incandescent, compact and tube fluorescent, halogen, and high-intensity discharge lamps. If this were back in the states everything would be the same terrible shade of sodium.